Friday, September 30, 2011

I forgot to put my face on yesterday morning. More precisely, I was going to wait until the afternoon, but I forgot then, so I spent the day sans makeup without realizing it. I couldn't figure out why 3 different people asked if I was tired until I got home, looked in the mirror and said, "I do look tired today. What in the...oh...that's just how my face looks when I don't cover it up." It was a real feel-good moment. Maybe I should get more sleep and eat less refined sugar. Or maybe I should just remember to apply concealer every day.

Yesterday's incident was one of those that made me stop and wonder if I'm really cut out for Lady of Leisure-hood. I don't think proper LoLs go out in public without mascara, do they? So, in an effort to feel more Leisahly today, I baked.

Now, most people love fall because of the cooler weather and the excitement of snuggling up in a sweater with a steaming mug of cider and some pumpkin flavored dessert. Not me, y'all. I hate when the weather starts getting cool because I would much rather be by the pool in a swimsuit with an ice cold...beverage. That said, the one exciting thing about the otherwise gloomy prospect of winter is that it's finally cool enough in my apartment to turn the oven on again. I would gladly give up baking for the promise of eternal summer, but that's not an option, so I'm looking on the bright side.

In other news, I hope you enjoyed that photo and food news because it's all you're getting until I can think of another Fatty Friday theme. We're running out of Classic City burger joints and, to tell the truth, I'm kind of relieved. I think I need a burger break. There may be a couple more from time to time, but for now, I think we're on hiatus. Sorry.

Fondest regards,
The Lady

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