Sunday, May 23, 2010

It's quite possible that I am the worst blogger ever. I considered just giving up, but then all 3 of you that read this demanded a new post. I'll try to be more faithful. Here goes.
First, I have moved to a real-life, big girl apartment with a bedroom that is separate from the living room. The kitchen is also twice as big as the one in my former studio apartment and features a full size stove and oven plus drip pans for the burners. That's right, folks, no more rigging tinfoil drip pans! Isn't my life glamorous?! There are only three down sides to this apartment over the other: 1) My new upstairs neighbors are very bad insomniac musicians. I miss the awesome bass player who only practiced in the afternoon. 2) I now have way more wall space than I know what to do with. I'm sure American Express will be more than eager to help me out with this dilemma. 3) My bedroom closet is half the size of my old one. No lie, this sent me into a bit of a panic attack at first; however, my friend B- found another closet that had been hiding from me. I now have 2 clothes closets, but I am still unable to fit all of my clothes in. It's possible that I have
too many. All that said, I love my new place and am eager to get all the furniture and decor necessary to make it feel a little homier. The kitchen is finished and is by far my favorite room. It has blue laminate counter tops.
Second, I played a game of muggle quidditch yesterday for my friend J-'s birthday. Of the three girls there, I was the only one without a husband. Of the 12 or so boys there, I'm pretty sure their husbands were the only ones with wives. It may just have been me, but I felt a little bit like it was a meat market and I was the cow. Part of this had to do with the fact that B- is trying to set me up with one of the people that was there. This was particularly awkward as both parties were aware of her intentions; however, we cannot admit knowledge of this plan. I felt a bit like I was auditioning for a date or something. I will, of course keep you updated if anything hilarious comes of this.
Last, I found this at the store. It is wine from Cupcake vineyards. It is also sideways because I am dumb and I don't know how to work a computer. Exciting, nonetheless.

Fondest Regards (with promises of more blog to come),
The Lady

Monday, May 3, 2010

"In olden days...a young girl’s social success was invariably measured by her popularity in a ballroom." Etiquette. "The Debutante." 1922.

It's been well over a year since my last date. This is a phenomenon I haven't really figured out. True, I'm not so great at flirting or sharing my feelings, etc.; however, I am smart, funny, I love sports, and I'm pretty cute. Basically I'm the best catch I know, so it's beyond me that every guy I meet doesn't want to date me. Maybe someone can give me some insight or deflate my ego a bit, but I'm pretty sure my confusion is justified on this one.
Needless to say, I was pretty excited the other night when my neighbor told me he's been wanting to ask me to "coffee or something" for months now. This neighbor looks a little bit like Paul McCartney circa Yellow Submarine and I've kind of been hoping for a while that something like this would happen. so Yay!, right? Wrong. Here's how the whole conversation went:

Me: (watching him load boxes into his car) You're moving?
Paul: Yeah, back to Charleston.
Me: Aww...well...bummer.
Paul: Blah, blah blah...
Me: Meaningless chit-chat
Paul: So this is kinda silly, but I've been wanting to ask you to get coffee or something for months now, but every time I see you I get tongue tied.
Me: Really? Are you kidding me? I've been waiting for this for months and now you ask right before you FREAKING MOVE 5 HOURS AWAY?!?!?! Way to go!!!

Okay, so I didn't really say exactly that, but it's definitely what I was thinking. We are talking about 2 grown-ups (do grown-ups say grown-ups?) and a simple cup of coffee. What the heck do you have to lose? Oh, yeah...8 months of getting to know me, THAT'S WHAT! I gave him my number anyway, but something tells me this isn't going to work out. Oh well, he's a cat person anyway.
To cap it off, my friends came to pick me up for dinner as I was giving Paul my number. When I say, "My friends showed up," I am referring to 4 boys donning sunglasses with windows down and early 90's rap blaring. I looked at them and back at Paul. Paul looked at them and back at me. "Well, that's my ride," I said, and I'm pretty sure that was that. Here's to another dateless year, folks! If you need me, I'll be hanging out with my friends who always reassure me that I am, indeed, as great a catch as I believe myself to be.

Fondest regards,
The Lady