Friday, November 4, 2011

After approximately 2 months, I have officially completed my 2nd successful sewing project! Pillows for my living room chairs:

First I sewed 2 blue napkins together. Then I did it again:

Then I stuffed them with pillows:

Then I decided they were boring, so I made little yellow flowers to put on them. At this point I was too lazy to sew anymore, so I used hot glue. Don't tell Martha.

I think they're super cute!

Fondest regards,
The Lady

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Goodness, gracious. My internet has stopped working chez moi and work has been so busy lately that I just haven't had the time to blog. I am so sorry and completely understand if you have given up on me. In which case you probably aren't reading this apology.

A couple of Fridays ago, CB asked if I felt like being social and getting "the group" together to do something. If you know CB, you understand that it is a big deal for him to actually want to interact with other people. He's usually willing to tolerate other people and attend social functions, but it's rare that he asks, so I jumped at the chance even though I was feeling a little tired. I called B- to make dinner plans and see if there was anything they wanted to do post-dinner. We hemmed and hawed and then, like an idiot, I said, "Why don't we go to the corn maze?!" It was like words were coming out of my mouth while my brain was shouting, "SHUT UP YOU MORON!"

I always think I'm going to have fun at the corn maze and then I always end up cold and tired, wondering why I agreed to walk around a corn field for 2 hours in the dark. Of course, B- said, "Sounds like fun!" So I threw my sneakers in the car and headed to dinner fretting about the impending 2 hours we'd spend playing "Children of the Corn."

My worries were quickly cast aside, however, when we got to dinner and I realized that nobody was dressed for Oconee County. Immediately, I began to think of how we'd get out of it and as we wrapped up our meal I said, "You know...maybe we should think of our options here...I mean we don't have to go to the corn maze. It's cold. And dark. And it takes so long...We could carve pumpkins instead..." Which suggestion was met with much enthusiasm from the girls and groaning from the guys until they realized that they could play video games while the ladies carved punkins and then all were excited about the plan. So that's what we did.

B- was really aggressive with her pumpkin carving. She was determined to get every last bit of goop out. And she did.

K- was very careful with hers.

C- actually dressed for "pumpkin surgery" which may have been overdoing it a little, especially considering it wasn't actually Halloween yet. 

Then they were done.

And we lit them up.

And they looked beautiful. Except for my poor spider whose leg broke in carving which resulted in improvisation and, subsequently, thunder thighs.

Fondest regards,
The Lady