Monday, March 7, 2011

"The invitation to the church should always request the 'honour' - spelled with a 'u'..." Etiquette. 1959.

Upon checking the mail this afternoon, I found I had received a rather large-ish envelope with wedding band stamps in the corner. You know the ones. At first I thought, "Oh dear. I don't even know anyone recently engaged. I really do not want to go sit through a wedding where I won't know anyone." Then I opened the envelope to see a photo of Prince William and that common tart Kate Middleton. Thoughts immediately changed to, "Holy cow! I actually got invited!?!" Obviously that didn't last long as I am not completely delusional. Upon closer inspection, I realized that my friend B- had actually had invitations drawn up for the watching of the royal wedding ceremony. This is why we are friends.

Now I just need to find appropriate pajamas to wear.

Fondest regards,
The Lady


  1. AHHH! I'm so jealous. I think I need to become better friends with your friends. I'll be on a business trip, so I'll have to watch it by myself.

    Anywho, I was just asking my roommate why we only spell things the Queen's way on wedding invitations. Thanks Emily.
