Sunday, March 27, 2011

I got to go to one of my absolute favorite restaurants for dinner the other night, y'all.

White Tiger is one of those don't-blink-or-you'll-miss-it, what-a-dive-I-would-never-eat-there kind of places that just oozes Southahn Charm and has more je ne sais quoi than they can fit in their tiny little dining room. Seriously. Fortunately there's plenty of room for the extra je ne sais quoi on the picnic tables outside. The folks here use all local ingredients to make fairly simple food that can only be described as danggood. I usually get the barbeque because...and I mean this for is the best que I have ever had. No sauce. Doesn't need it. Sometimes I'll get a burger because, well, some days are just burger days. The other night, though, I went out on a limb and got the special: smoked sausage cooked in sauerkraut with mashed potatoes on the side...and mac n cheese because you should always get mac n cheese. Ah-mazing. Y'all, it was so much more food than I could possibly eat in one sitting (and y'all that know me know that's saying somethin'), but I didn't want to stop eating even when I felt like I was going to pop. This place is just one of the many reasons I love The Classic City.

The consumption of sauerkraut (interrupted only by verbal expressions of gastronomic pleasure) prompted Colonel Brandon to ask later that evening, "Is there anything you don't like?" I'm not entirely sure whether he meant it in a "Wow, I'm so impressed that you're such an adventurous eater" kind of way or in a "Holy cow, you will eat anything you big, fat pig" kind of way, but I am going to assume the former as he is way too sweet to ever imply the latter. It did get me thinking, though. Other than just plain eggs, I couldn't come up with anything. There are a few things I merely tolerate and there are some things I'd certainly have to steel myself to try (these include animals/animal parts that are still recognizable), but there's really nothing that I don't like. After giving him this response I got a little giddy about how much I love food. It's so good. And I'm so glad I live in The South.

Fondest regards,
The Lady


  1. I always forget about white tiger!
    Let's go there for lunch one day!
    Hour lunches, woo-hoo!

  2. what a hoot you are!!!! Love you girl!!!!
