Thursday, December 23, 2010

When you just don't know what to say...

Only two days left to Christmas, dear friends, and I thought it might be time to remind you that a Lady of Leisure never balks at the hand crocheted vest from grandma or the set of cat mugs from her aunt that you could swear you saw at last year's family gift swap. No, she is able to graciously accept all gifts good or bad. Here are some pointers:

1. You know the gifts that are likely to be less than stellar. Be prepared.

2. Keep a smile on your face NO MATTER WHAT!

3. Avoid umm...eggnog when opening gifts. It makes you a little more prone to honesty.

4. Try to remember how much thought, time, energy went into making, preparing, purchasing your gift. It really is the thought that counts.

5. When all else fails, go in for a long hug. This will make it more difficult to see your face and the giver will just assume you were too touched for words.

Here's a little more help from a couple of people funnier than I:

I hope you all get just what you want this year!

Fondest regards,
The Lady

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