Wednesday, October 13, 2010

"It really has been magic. We will never forget this night." ~Chilean Presidente Pinera

Back in August it seemed like every time I turned on the news, the world was in worse shape. People dying in the Middle East, oil pouring into the Gulf of Mexico, earthquakes in Pakistan, the Braves beginning to blow a 7 game lead, Lindsey Lohan, etc. When 33 Chilean miners were trapped, it seemed like just one more horrific event to heap onto the growing pile of crap... Until they sent up a note. They were all alive. Hope.
The men made it 17 days on 48 hours worth of rations. For over 2 months they have been trapped half a mile below the surface of the earth with little to do but wait for rescue. It is overwhelming to think of the physical and emotional stress that these miners must have gone through, not only separated from their loved ones, but completely trapped in an overcrowded and small space. I can't even live with a roommate. It has been an inspiring story to watch as families and miners sent notes back and forth. Men sent videos telling about their living space and letting their loved ones know they were alright. Throughout this whole ordeal, it seems that Hope has prevailed at a time when it would've been so easy to give up.
Photo from

Last night I watched as the first miner was hoisted half a mile through solid rock and delivered to his son and wife. It was beautiful and I was reminded of just how good and faithful God is. These men should have died, gone crazy, turned on one another. They should not be able to walk out of that capsule on their own and embrace their families. But they can and it's a miracle!
In true LoL fashion, I'll be hosting a viewing party to watch as they hoist the last man out tonight.

Fondest regards,
The Lady

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