Thursday, June 3, 2010

Coffee free. Day 3. Life sucks a little bit right now as I have had a persistent headache since about 1 pm June 1, not-so-coincidentally the day I decided to begin my month sans coffee. Needless to say, I do not feel very leisahly at the moment. Why would any self-respecting LoL do this to herself?! I figured that with my trip to the Philippines looming, it would probably be wise to kick the addiction and face the withdrawals now as I do not know what the coffee situation will be. Severe headache+24 hours in a plane/bus+30 people I can't escape=headlines. I'm sure sure there will be coffee available, but I figured better safe than sorry, right?
Problem. This was the first week of summer vacation for my 6 year old charge. No headlines yet, but she does keep asking why Miss Daynes is so sleepy and doesn't feel like playing. At what age do kids just pick up a book and spend the whole day reading? Quietly?
On another note (which could possibly be related) I have not been to the gym this week. I thought about going a couple of times. At any rate, it is the thought that counts, so I guess, technically, I've been to the gym a couple of times this week.
I cannot wait until July 2 when, upon return, I will down the first cup of coffee I see. It will in no way help keep me awake I am sure. Until then, I will sleep soundly with the dreams of promised Fresh Market Summer Breeze coffee sipped on the deck of the beach house. Bliss.

1 comment:

  1. Your blog makes me laugh out loud; you're hilarious! Meanwhile, I'll drink extra coffee on your behalf. Try to have fun in the Philippines, & keep your eyes on the prize of the beach deck.
