Thursday, August 25, 2011

A Ladies' Luncheon

There are two kinds of people, y'all, people who eat lunch and people who do lunch. I prefer the later. And nobody makes doing lunch more delightful than The Swan Coach House. So naturally, when The Girl with Curls and I did lunch the other day, that is where we went. In all of its florally upholstered glory.

I don't think I can adequately describe this place except to say that it. is. southahn. And pink. And fancy. Adn it almost made me feel prepared for my first Junior League meeting. I had the tea sandwiches (chicken salad and pimento cheese. Obvi) with the frozen fruit salad. Why doesn't anyone else make frozen fruit salad? Sarah ordered the quiche which did not come with frozen fruit salad, so I'm sure it was not as good. We both had cheese straws, of course.

Before we left, Sarah asked the valet to take our picture. I was asked to step down a step, but I refused. It's not my fault Sarah is part elf.

Enjoy it, because every picture of us for the rest of the year will be taken at tailgates and football games. It's so close I can taste it. In fact, in decidedly unladylike fashion, I pointed out a young man at lunch clad in orange and I leaned over to Sarah and said, "You know how I know it's almost football season? I have the inexplicable urge to hit that guy in the mouth just for wearing orange." Shame on me. I'm just going to give him the benefit of the doubt and assume he just wasn't thinking. Maybe he's a yankee.

Fondest regards,
The Lady

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