Thursday, January 13, 2011

This doesn't feel like global warming to me...

It's pandellerium down here, y'all. Southahn people do not handle the snow well, but normally it snows overnight, disappears by mid-afternoon, and we all go on with our lives. Not this time. This time the clouds covered up the sun, dropped a butt-ton (Emily would not approve, but I can't think of a better description) of snow on the ground, then sent us some rain to freeze on top of the snow, and theeeen kept the sun covered for 3 more days so that it WOULD. NOT. GO. AWAY! Seriously. Trapped. In a frozen, icy wasteland. For 3 days.  I finally ventured out yesterday because I couldn't stand it anymore, but I nearly wiped out on frozen road a couple of times so that was the end of that. Slowly but surely it's getting better. I was starting to miss The Little Lady (and sunlight) and I think The Little Lady's parents were starting to miss me, so Little Lady's Big Daddy picked me up in his truck this morning to spend the day with her. After doing nothing but sitting on the couch and reading for 3 days, it was really nice to get a change of scenery. She had a friend over, so I got to sit on her couch and read today. Really, it hasn't been that bad for me. I mean, my life goal is to not ever have to work, so I'm pretty good at the read, watch tv, nap, repeat routine. Leisah, however, does not come quite so naturally to The Little Lady. Including the weekend, she has been out of school for 6 days and she's starting to go a bit stir crazy. She's got snow day #5 tomorrow and a holiday Monday, so I'm trying to come up with some creative snowpocalypse activities. The cookies have been baked and the movies watched, so what else is there? Glad you asked. Here are some of the ideas I've come up with:

1. Hair dryer driveway de-icing races. You'll need at least 2 kids, a hair dryer, driveway, and extension cord per kid. Let the kids race to see who can de-ice their driveway the fastest. Make sure to plug the dryers into different circuits so you don't blow a fuse.

2. Walk around town and look for cars stuck in ditches. Strap the kid into a harness equipped with a sturdy rope and let him or her use all that pent up energy to tow the cars out. It wears the kid out and helps the neighbors at the same time.

3. Play "olden days." Tell the kid that in the "olden days" you had to walk to school in the snow with no shoes uphill both ways. If you're feeling generous, you can let them wear shoes. Have them race to school and back going up as many hills as possible both ways. Points for longest distance and most hills. It's important to remember that it's not necessarily about who's the fastest. This will also get them to school if only for a couple of minutes.

4. A number of schools have teachers reporting tomorrow. Suggest that the kids go and help them clean up the classrooms. This will get the kids off your hands and help the teacher at the same time. Really. I'm sure they've missed him or her.

5. "Cinderella." It's a classic way to get the kid to do housework and feel like a princess at the same time.

Feel free to use any of these ideas. Hopefully it will help the kids get some energy out and benefit you in some way as well. Otherwise, stay warm and sane and remember to thank your lucky stars you live below the Mason-Dixon Line. Yankees keep talking about how silly we are for panicking about a little bit of snow and saying things like. "It's less than a foot." HELLO! If this is what "a little bit of snow" looks like, then I will stay down here thank you very much. This is more than enough for me.

Fondest regards and stay warm,
The Lady

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