Wednesday, January 12, 2011

There may be something there that wasn't there before...

Things between me and football didn't end well this time around. I don't really want to talk about it. Suffice it to say that I have spent too much time and too many tears on a team that I just don't feel loved me back. I deserve better.

I know that I have suggested that basketball is little more than a way to kill time between football and baseball, but we've been spending more time together lately and...well...I kinda like it. I know I shouldn't rush into this as, let's face it, basketball has not always been reliable in the past, but I think it might be different this time. We had a really great time together last Saturday. Maybe our best time ever. The team not only kept me interested for the entire game, but they delivered a victory against #11 Kentucky!!! Things are looking really promising for the Dawgs. I know, I's a long season and I should go slow. Relax, it's not like I'm shopping for championship rings or a dress to wear to the final four. It is nice, though, to know that I have a team that I don't have to make excuses for. In fact, I'm proud to tell my family and friends about our relationship. I like basketball and I don't care who knows it!

No worries, baseball, I still love you, too. Basketball's cool with that kind of thing.

Fondest regards,
The Lady


  1. I didn't realize that UGA is in the top 25!!!! Yea!!!!

  2. I've always said that each sport is perfect in its own time. Football's exciting and fun in the fall because the school year has started. Basketball's inside, right when it's starting to get cold. Exciting, but not as much as football. And baseball starts right when it's warming up and you're getting burnt out. It's relaxing and you can just go sit and get some sun.
