Friday, April 22, 2011

Lessons in Babysitting: The dangers of Southahn accents

Every now and then I like to ask The Kid what certain words mean. It helps increase her vocabulary and gets her thinking. I'm a pretty awesome babysitter. Sooo, the other day when she was talking about horses I stopped her to ask what a mare is:

The Kid: Well, it can be two different things.

Me: It can? What are they.

The Kid: It's a female horse and then, you know, like...

Me: That's right, but I don't think it has any other meanings.

The Kid: YES! IT DOES! It's the president.

Me: Huh? Do you mean a mayor? In charge of a town?

The Kid: Yes. A mare.

Love that kid. One day I'm totally going to be one of those moms that only tells stories about the adorable things her children do not realizing that nobody else thinks they're funny. And then I won't have anymore friends. At any rate, I thought it was hilarious.

Also, here is a picture of the previously blogged about hat the KT wore. I'm pretty jealous that she got to go to a fancy party and hob-nob with Athens glitteratti in my hat, but I'm glad I could play some small role.

Tonight is CB's much anticipated birthday party extravaganza in which we pack up the cars and head into Atlanta in Friday afternoon rush-hour traffic...on a holiday weekend...because we are crazy. Also because The Classic City doesn't have anywhere to play Whirly-ball. I can't wait!

Fondest regards,
The Lady

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