Friday, September 24, 2010

Sorry for the lack of posting lately. Life has just been pretty dull of late. Not in a bad way, I just don't have entertaining stories to tell. My friend K- posted about her family adventure in trying to open a coconut. S- could tell you about adventures in sewing with rick-rack. I have been sitting at home re-watching both seasons of _Sports Night_, the greatest show on television. I am not about to talk football right now. I suppose I can tell you about my attempt to give blood the other day...
I have O-, so the Red Cross calls me a lot and I am pretty passionate about the importance of donating. So, my friend B- and I went to a blood drive the other day pretty pumped about giving. Get it? Pumped?...Aaaanyway, B- got through the Q&A session, gave her blood and was sitting at the cookie table before they had even figured out that I'm not eligible to give for 12 months because I might have malaria from being in the Philippines. Sweet. They, of course, figured this out after pricking TWO fingers to get a good hemocrit result. Lesson learned. From now on I will discuss my jet-setting right off the bat. Soooo...since I can't give blood, I figured I'd give you the reasons you should:

10. The Red Cross people are really nice and sometimes they'll flirt with you a little. Especially if you are O-. They really think O-s are hot.
9. You always wanted a way to lose weight will sitting on your butt.
8. Neon is so hot right now which means the bandage (which you may be able to color coordinate to your outfit) is this season's must-have accessory.
7. Said bandage will get you attention for the rest of the day. "What's that bandage for?" "Oh, nothing. I just gave blood." "Wow. You are cool.".
6. Vampires. I have to believe that the most likely place for me to meet a Cullen is a blood drive.
5. Free cookies and fruit punch. 'Nuf said.
4. It gives you a good excuse to feel faint and swoon a bit. Swooning seems like a very leisahly thing to do.
3. You are instructed to eat well for the rest of the day. As if I needed to be told to eat well, but sometimes it's nice to have an excuse to pig out. Plus you've lost all that weight, so you're good.
2. You're also instructed to take it easy and not do too much physical activity for the rest of the day. Again, like I need a reason to skip the gym, but I'll take it.
1. You can save 3 lives.

I'm pretty bummed that I won't be able to give until next summer, but I hope some of you readers will step up in my absence. Giving blood is cool.

Fondest regards,
The Lady

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