Congratulations Mom! I have finally discovered the perks of a family and may seriously begin thinking about considering buying into the whole hype at some point in the future. Here are the benefits to procreation as I can tell from this weeks events:
1. Tax deduction. I did find that I qualify for low income tax filing, but I think that "check for dependents" box gets you a few more bucks on the return. Frankly, I think I should get a bigger deduction for leaving a smaller carbon footprint.
2. The ability to look at single/childless people with "the head tilt" and say things like, "You'd understand if you had kids," and, "I just don't have the time. I have a family." It's like having a tax deductible, get out of jail free card!
3. Free labor. My friend's kid loves to play a game called "Cinderella." This consists of Mommy bossing her around in a mean voice while the kid sweeps the floor, does the dishes, dusts, etc. The kid actually asks to play this game.
4. Children are the only people who can finagle candy free candy out of the neighbors on Halloween. Obviously, this will be covertly confiscated one piece at a time and all of the chocolate will look a little too suspicious for them to eat.
5. I get to try and make someone as sarcastic as I am.
*Keep in mind that this could all change as soon as I figure out how many pairs of Manolos can be purchased with the money I'd save not having to pay for dance/soccer/football lessons.*
Fondest regards,
The Lady